VEVOR 2 3 4 6 Pan Electric Catering Food Warmer Steam Table Stainless Steel Adjustable Temperature Buffet Restaurant Commercial

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Product Description
electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans
electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans
Commercial Food Warmer

86-185℉/30-85℃ & U-Shaped Heating Tube & Drainage Faucet

Whether you’re serving soup, spaghetti, stew, or oatmeal, this electric buffet food warmer is ideal for your buffet, restaurant, or snack bar. The commercial steam warmer, including two/three/four/six pans and lids, is built with 304 stainless steel, ensuring long-lasting use and easy cleaning. The 17 Qt/16L, 16 Qt/15L, 34 Qt/32L, 32 Qt/30L capacity allows this commercial food steamer to heat more foods at one time. Its adjustable temperature from 86℉ to 185℉ (30℃ to 85℃) keeps dishes warm as you wish.

  • Large Capacity
  • Precise Temp Control
  • Food-Grade Stainless Steel
  • Considerate Details

élévateur magnétique,100kg,jaune
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR?
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service

❤ Friendly Note:
Please wash the pan before the first use.
Prohibit burning heater without water and make sure water goes over the heating tube.
Use thread seal tape to wrap the water outlet before tightening the faucet; otherwise, it will not stand vertically and uprightly. This will also make it well sealed.

Key Features

  • electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

    Large-Capacity Pans

    Our commercial food warmer comes with two 1/2-size,three 1/3-size, four 1/4-size, six 1/6-size pans for 17 Qt/16L, 16 Qt/15L, 34 Qt/32L, 32 Qt/30L capacity. It is compatible with wet and dry dishes, keeping your delicious foods hot and ready to serve.

  • electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

    Controllable Temperature

    You can easily set the temperature between 86℉ and 185℉ (30 and 85℃) with the knob on this food warmer buffet, keeping delicious foods at an ideal temp. Heat and power indicators show working status.

  • electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

    Fast and Even Heating

    The heating tube inside the soup warmer commercial is well-designed for rapid and even heating, providing a larger heating area for efficient heat transfer. Once plug-in power, it is ready to heat food at any minute.

  • electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

    Premium Stainless Steel

    This commercial warmer is constructed with heavy-duty 304 stainless steel, creating robust sturdiness, durability, and longevity. Moreover, all parts touched with food are made of food-grade material for your security.

  • electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

    Well-Designed Details

    The practical lid for each pan returns water to the food to retain its original flavor and consistency. What’s more, a water outlet valve is convenient for draining the remaining water in the electric steam table.

  • electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

    Wide Array of Uses

    Our electric food warmer is widely used in restaurants, snack bars, cafeterias, and other places or events with great demand. You can serve your guests the variety they want, such as soup, spaghetti, stew, and oatmeal.

electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

2-Pan Commercial Food Warmer

  • Model: XTC2C
  • Total Capacity: 17 Qt/16L
  • Each Pan Capacity: 8.5 Qt/8L
  • Pan Quantity: 2 x 1/2-Pan
  • Power: 1200W
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel
  • Temperature Range: 86-185℉/30-85℃
  • Each Pan Dimensions (L x W x H): 12.8" x 10.4" x 5.9"/32.5 x 26.5 x 15 cm
  • Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 22.6" x 15" x 10.6"/57.5 x 38 x 27 cm
  • Pan Thickness: 0.03"/0.8 mm
  • Product Weight: 22 lbs/10 kg

electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans

Package Content

  • 1 x Commercial Food Warmer

commercial food warmer, stainless steel, 3 pans

3-Pan Commercial Food Warmer

  • Model: XTC3C
  • Total Capacity: 16 Qt/15L
  • Each Pan Capacity: 5.3 Qt/5L
  • Pan Quantity: 3 x 1/3-Pan
  • Power: 1200W
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel
  • Temperature Range: 86-185℉/30-85℃
  • Each Pan Dimensions (L x W x H): 12.8" x 6.9" x 5.9"/32.5 x 17.6 x 15 cm
  • Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 22.6" x 15" x 10.6"/57.5 x 38 x 27 cm
  • Pan Thickness: 0.03"/0.8 mm
  • Product Weight: 22 lbs/10 kg

commercial food warmer, stainless steel, 3 pans

Package Content

  • 1 x Commercial Food Warmer

commercial food warmer, stainless steel, 4 pans

4-Pan Commercial Food Warmer

  • Model: DTC4C
  • Total Capacity: 34 Qt/32L
  • Each Pan Capacity: 8.5 Qt/8L
  • Pan Quantity: 4 x 1/4-Pan
  • Power: 1200W
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel
  • Temperature Range: 86-185℉/30-85℃
  • Each Pan Dimensions (L x W x H): 12.8" x 10.4" x 5.9"/32.5 x 26.5 x 15 cm
  • Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 28" x 23.6" x 10.6"/71 x 60 x 27 cm
  • Pan Thickness: 0.03"/0.8 mm
  • Product Weight: 22 lbs/10 kg

commercial food warmer, stainless steel, 4 pans

Package Content

  • 1 x Commercial Food Warmer

commercial food warmer, stainless steel, 4 pans

6-Pan Commercial Food Warmer

  • Model: DTC6C
  • Total Capacity: 32 Qt/30L
  • Each Pan Capacity: 5.3 Qt/5L
  • Pan Quantity: 6 x 1/6-Pan
  • Power: 1200W
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel
  • Temperature Range: 86-185℉/30-85℃
  • Each Pan Dimensions (L x W x H): 12.8"x6.9"x5.9" (325x176x150 mm)
  • Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 28.0"x23.6"x10.6" (710x600x270 mm)
  • Pan Thickness: 0.03"/0.8 mm
  • Product Weight: 37 lbs

commercial food warmer, stainless steel, 4 pans

Package Content

  • 1 x Commercial Food Warmer

Features & Details

  • 17/16/34/30 Qt Large Capacity: Each Pan Dimensions: 12.8" L x 10.4" W x 5.9" H, 12.8" L x 6.9" W x 5.9" H; Overall Dimensions: 22.6" L x 15" W x 10.6" H, 28" L x 23.6" W x 10.6" H. Our commercial food warmer is equipped with two 1/2 pans (8.5 Qt/8L each), three 1/3 pans (5.3 Qt/5L each), four 1/4 pans (8.5 Qt/8L each), Six 1/6 pans ()allowing you to serve two different dishes simultaneously. The total 17 Qt/16L, 16 Qt/15L, 34 Qt/32L, 32 Qt/30L large capacity meets all your food heating requirements.
  • Precise Temp Control: The food warmer buffet features an adjustable temperature within 86-185℉/30-85℃, operated by a knob for precise control. Thanks to its specially designed internal heating elements, this warmer holds your prepared foods at ready-to-eat temperatures for hours. The U-shaped design also achieves even heat distribution.
  • Food-Grade Stainless Steel: The food-grade 304 stainless steel structure brings this soup warmer commercial with rust and corrosion resistance. The thickened wall ensures sturdiness and durability, precluding worry about deformation or scratch. In addition, the detachable pans make cleaning and maintenance a breeze.
  • Considerate Details: Accompanying each pan is a cover designed to keep the pan’s contents warm and seal in all the flavors. The practical lid keeps dust from entering and helps retain water so the food does not dry out. Besides, our commercial warmer is outfitted with a drainage faucet for convenient water release.
  • Wide Application: You can keep your steamy vegetables, chicken wings, fluffy eggs, or sizzling bacon hot and ready to plate with this electric steam table. It is a perfect, space-efficient addition to your buffet, concession stand, homestyle restaurant, cafeteria, or hotel breakfast bar, standing up to the daily demands.

































































































electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans
2 Pan 2 Pan 3 Pan 3 Pan 4 Pan 4 Pan 6 Pan 6 Pan Full-Size Full-Size
Power Power 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W 1200W
Heating Method Heating Method Adding Water Adding Water Adding Water Adding Water Adding Water Adding Water Adding Water Adding Water Dry Burning Dry Burning
Temperature Range Temperature Range 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86-185℉(30-85℃) 86℉~230℉(30℃~110℃) 86℉~230℉(30℃~110℃)
Material Material 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel
Pan Size Pan Size 12.8″x10.4″x5.9″ 12.8"x10.4"x5.9" 12.8″x6.9″x5.9″ 12.8"x6.9"x5.9" 12.8″x10.4″x5.9″ 12.8"x10.4"x5.9" 12.8″x6.9″x5.9″ 12.8"x6.9"x5.9" 20.9″x12.8″x5.9″ 20.9"x12.8"x5.9"
Product Dimensions Product Dimensions 22.6″x15.0″x10.6″ 22.6"x15.0"x10.6" 22.6″x15.0″x10.6″ 22.6"x15.0"x10.6" 28.0″x23.6″x10.6″ 28.0"x23.6"x10.6" 28.0″x23.6″x10.6″ 28.0"x23.6"x10.6" 23.6″x15.7″x11.8″ 23.6"x15.7"x11.8"
Product Weight Product Weight 22 lbs 22 lbs 22 lbs 22 lbs 20 lbs 20 lbs 35.2 lbs 35.2 lbs 13.2 lbs 13.2 lbs
















































electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans electric food warmer, stainless steel, 2 pans
5 Titer(Dia. 28cm) 5 Titer(Dia. 28cm) 5 Titer(Dia. 30cm) 5 Titer(Dia. 30cm)
Power Power
Heating Method Heating Method Steaming Steaming Steaming Steaming
Temperature Range Temperature Range
Material Material 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel 304 Food-Grade Stainless Steel
Pan Size Pan Size 11.8″x11.8″x3.1″ 11.8"x11.8"x3.1" 11.8″x11.8″x3.3″ 11.8"x11.8"x3.3"
Product Dimensions Product Dimensions 11.2″x11.2″x12.9″ 11.2"x11.2"x12.9" 11.8″x11.8″x13.8″ 11.8"x11.8"x13.8"
Product Weight Product Weight 7 lbs 7 lbs 7.9 lbs 7.9 lbs

19 avis pour VEVOR 2 3 4 6 Pan Electric Catering Food Warmer Steam Table Stainless Steel Adjustable Temperature Buffet Restaurant Commercial

  1. Anaïs (client confirmé)

    Exactement ce que je cherchais, très satisfait.

  2. Manon (client confirmé)

    Produit solide et efficace, rien à redire.

  3. Mathis (client confirmé)

    Super qualité, je suis très satisfait.

  4. Sarah (client confirmé)

    Très bon produit, je suis enchanté.

  5. Maëva (client confirmé)

    Article très pratique, je le recommande à 100%.

  6. Gabriel (client confirmé)

    Très pratique et facile à utiliser.

  7. Chloé (client confirmé)

    Un produit au top, je le conseille.

  8. Adam (client confirmé)

    Exactement ce que je cherchais, très satisfait.

  9. Chloé (client confirmé)

    Produit de qualité et très pratique.

  10. Arthur (client confirmé)

    Un accessoire qui m’a bien simplifié la vie.

  11. Margaux (client confirmé)

    Produit au top, je le recommande sans hésiter.

  12. Chloé (client confirmé)

    Très facile à utiliser, je l’adore.

  13. Louis (client confirmé)

    Excellent produit, super pratique et durable.

  14. Arthur (client confirmé)

    Design moderne et très fonctionnel.

  15. Baptiste (client confirmé)

    Très efficace et facile à nettoyer.

  16. Antoine (client confirmé)

    Parfait pour organiser ma cuisine, je suis ravi.

  17. Victor (client confirmé)

    Un produit qui change vraiment la donne en cuisine.

  18. Marie (client confirmé)

    Confort et praticité, j’en suis ravi.

  19. Charlotte (client confirmé)

    Très fonctionnel, j’en suis vraiment content.

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Isabelle P.
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J'ai commandé une machine à café expresso et je suis impressionné par sa performance. Non seulement elle est facile à utiliser, mais elle produit également un café délicieux. Je me sens comme un barista professionnel chez moi maintenant ! Merci à ce site pour cette expérience d'achat parfaite.
Celine O.
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J'ai acheté une batterie de cuisine en acier inoxydable sur ce site et je ne pourrais pas être plus satisfait. Les casseroles et les poêles sont très durables et la chaleur est répartie de manière uniforme. C'est un excellent investissement pour tous ceux qui aiment cuisiner avec style !
Pola M.
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Je suis tombée amoureuse de ma nouvelle planche à découper en bois achetée sur ce site. Non seulement elle est magnifique, mais elle est également très fonctionnelle. Je me sens comme un chef professionnel chaque fois que je l'utilise. Je recommande vivement ce site pour tous vos besoins en cuisine !
Terence I.
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Je suis extrêmement satisfaite de mon achat d'un mixeur puissant sur ce site. Il m'aide à préparer des smoothies délicieux et crémeux en un rien de temps. De plus, le service client était excellent, répondant à toutes mes questions avec gentillesse. Je recommande vivement cette boutique en ligne !
Farida A.
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J'ai récemment acheté une balance de cuisine numérique sur ce site et je suis impressionné par sa précision. Elle est facile à utiliser et me permet de mesurer avec précision les ingrédients pour mes recettes. C'est un outil indispensable pour tout cuisinier passionné !
Remi A.
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Je suis ravi de mon achat d'une cocotte en fonte sur ce site. Non seulement elle est magnifique, mais elle retient également parfaitement la chaleur, ce qui permet des plats mijotés savoureux. La qualité de cet article est exceptionnelle et je recommande fortement cette boutique en ligne à tous les amateurs de cuisine !