VEVOR Access Door Firm Waterproof Oil Proof Stainless Steel Double Recessed Handle for Outdoor Kitchen Grill Station Cabinet

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CA & TX & NJ & KY







City of Industry,CA
Perth Amboy,NJ


Product Description
outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

Product Description:


Features & Details

  • 【DURABLE CONSTRUCTION】- The BBQ kitchen doors, with overall dimensions of 83.8×55.9cm (33"x22")/87x48cm (34.5"x19")/915x537mm (36"x21.1")/91.4×58.4cm (36"x23")/99.1×66.0cm (39"x26"), made of high quality stainless steel. Easy-cleaning, anti-corrosion and anti-scratch.
  • 【OVERALL REINFORCEMENT】- This access doors are designed with a thicken frame and hinge, which ensures the firmness during operation.
  • 【PRE-DRILLED DESIGN】- Comes with pre-drilled holes on the sides of the cabinet doors for easy installation. With superb space utilization.
  • 【SPECIAL DESIGN】- Comes with magnet blocks for easy closing and enhanced sealing of the doors. The exquisite handles provide a better hand feel and better look of the doors.
  • 【VARIOUS APPLICATION】- Perfect for outdoor kitchens and BBQ island. Widely applied in the outdoor kitchen, such as tableware, into the cabinet, lockers.

Key Features

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Stainless Steel Material

    Made of sturdy and stylish stainless steel double-sided wire drawing material with durable construction. Designed for long service time.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Firm Frame & Door Hinge

    Square frame construction provided structural integrity for durability and safety, and the tighten door hinge is suitable for many times uses and also keep in good condition.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Pre-drilled Holes

    The pre-drilled holes on the sides of the frame are designed for easy installation of cabinet doors, eliminating the trouble of drilling.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Magnetic Closing System

    Magnet blocks on the top & bottom of the frame keep the cabinet in a tight, so no bugs or rodents can access your food or whatsoever in the cabinet.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Exquisite Handle

    Solid stainless steel handle attached for easy opening. Allow quick and easy using experience. Allow pleasant cooking in your outdoor kitchen.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Various Application

    Perfect for outdoor kitchens and weather condition, rain or shine, especially for outdoor kitchen and BBQ island.

outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 33x22 inch

33×22-inch Outdoor Kitchen Doors

The BBQ door is made of premium stainless steel, which makes the outdoor cabinets are more study and durable with improved anti-corrosion and anti-scratch performance, after exposing in all weather conditions for years. You can really see the attention and efforts we have put into these stainless steel BBQ doors, by looking at the smooth weld joints, the seamless corners improve sturdiness while lengthening the service life.

  • Durable Construction
  • Overall Reinforcement
  • Superb Space Utilization
  • Special Design

<!–outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 33x22 inch

Package Content


  • Overall Dimensions(WxH): 33"x22" (83.8×55.9cm)
  • Cutout Dimensions(WxH): 30.8"x19.8" (78.2×50.3cm)
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Package Content

  • 1 x Stainless Steel Double BBQ Door
  • 3 x Handle
  • 6 x Hooks
  • Installation Tools

outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 34.5x19 inch

34.5×19-inch Outdoor Kitchen Doors

The BBQ door is made of premium stainless steel, which makes the outdoor cabinets are more study and durable with improved anti-corrosion and anti-scratch performance, after exposing in all weather conditions for years. You can really see the attention and efforts we have put into these stainless steel BBQ doors, by looking at the smooth weld joints, the seamless corners improve sturdiness while lengthening the service life.

  • Durable Construction
  • Overall Reinforcement
  • Superb Space Utilization
  • Special Design

<!–outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 34.5x19 inch

Package Content


  • Overall Dimensions(WxH): 34.5"x19" (87x48cm)
  • Cutout Dimensions(WxH): 32"x16" (82x42cm)
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Package Content

  • 1 x Stainless Steel Double BBQ Door
  • 3 x Handle
  • 6 x Hooks
  • Installation Tools

outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 36x21 inch
36×21-inch Outdoor Kitchen Doors

The BBQ door is made of premium stainless steel, which makes the outdoor cabinets are more study and durable with improved anti-corrosion and anti-scratch performance, after exposing in all weather conditions for years. You can really see the attention and efforts we have put into these stainless steel BBQ doors, by looking at the smooth weld joints, the seamless corners improve sturdiness while lengthening the service life.

  • Durable Construction
  • Overall Reinforcement
  • Superb Space Utilization
  • Special Design

<!–outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 36x21 inch

Package Content


  • Outside Dimensions(WxHxD): 36"x21.1"x1.18" (915x537x30mm)
  • Inner Single Door Dimensions(WxH): 36"x21.1" (915×537)
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Package Content

  • 1 x Stainless Steel Double BBQ Door
  • 3 x Handle
  • 6 x Hooks

outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 36x23 inch

36×23-inch Outdoor Kitchen Doors

The BBQ door is made of premium stainless steel, which makes the outdoor cabinets are more study and durable with improved anti-corrosion and anti-scratch performance, after exposing in all weather conditions for years. You can really see the attention and efforts we have put into these stainless steel BBQ doors, by looking at the smooth weld joints, the seamless corners improve sturdiness while lengthening the service life.

  • Durable Construction
  • Overall Reinforcement
  • Superb Space Utilization
  • Special Design

<!–outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 36x23 inch

Package Content


  • Overall Dimensions(WxH): 36"x23" (91.4×58.4cm)
  • Cutout Dimensions(WxH): 36"x23" (91.4×58.4cm)
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Package Content

  • 1 x Stainless Steel Double BBQ Door
  • 3 x Handle
  • Installation Tools

outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

39×26-inch Outdoor Kitchen Doors

The BBQ door is made of premium stainless steel, which makes the outdoor cabinets are more study and durable with improved anti-corrosion and anti-scratch performance, after exposing in all weather conditions for years. You can really see the attention and efforts we have put into these stainless steel BBQ doors, by looking at the smooth weld joints, the seamless corners improve sturdiness while lengthening the service life.

  • Durable Construction
  • Overall Reinforcement
  • Superb Space Utilization
  • Special Design

<!–outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

Package Content


  • Overall Dimensions(WxH): 39"x26" (99.1×66.0cm)
  • Cutout Dimensions(WxH): 34"x21.2" (86.4×53.8cm)
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Package Content

  • 1 x Stainless Steel Double BBQ Door
  • 3 x Handle
  • 8 x Hooks
  • Installation Tools

outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch
Single/Double Door BBQ Door w/Vents New BBQ Doors 18"Wx20"H Single Door 3"Wx22"H Double Door 14"Wx20"H Door w/Vent
Overall Dimensions Multi-sizes Multi-sizes Multi-sizes 18"Wx20"H(45.7CMx50.8CM) 33"Wx22"H(83.8CMx55.9CM) 14"Wx20"H(35.6CMx50.8CM)
Cutout Dimensions Multi-sizes Multi-sizes Multi-sizes 15.7"Wx17.6"H(39.9CMx44.7CM) 30.8"Wx19.8"H(78.2CMx50.3CM) 11.8"Wx17.8"H(29.9CMx45.2CM)
Material 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel 304 Stainless Steel


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About this item


Product Description


outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

39×26-inch Outdoor Kitchen Doors

The BBQ door is made of premium stainless steel, which makes the outdoor cabinets are more study and durable with improved anti-corrosion and anti-scratch performance, after exposing in all weather conditions for years. You can really see the attention and efforts we have put into these stainless steel BBQ doors, by looking at the smooth weld joints, the seamless corners improve sturdiness while lengthening the service life.

  • Durable Construction
  • Overall Reinforcement
  • Superb Space Utilization
  • Special Design

Key Features

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Stainless Steel Material

    Made of sturdy and stylish stainless steel double-sided wire drawing material with durable construction. Designed for long service time.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Firm Frame & Door Hinge

    Square frame construction provided structural integrity for durability and safety, and the tighten door hinge is suitable for many times uses and also keep in good condition.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Pre-drilled Holes

    The pre-drilled holes on the sides of the frame are designed for easy installation of cabinet doors, eliminating the trouble of drilling.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Magnetic Closing System

    Magnet blocks on the top & bottom of the frame keep the cabinet in a tight, so no bugs or rodents can access your food or whatsoever in the cabinet.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Exquisite Handle

    Solid stainless steel handle attached for easy opening. Allow quick and easy using experience. Allow pleasant cooking in your outdoor kitchen.

  • outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

    Various Application

    Perfect for outdoor kitchens and weather condition, rain or shine, especially for outdoor kitchen and BBQ island.




outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch

  • Condition: brand new
  • Color: silver
  • The type of the door: double
  • Material: Stainless Steel
  • Overall Dimensions(W*H):39 × 26 inch
  • Cutout Dimensions(W*H):34 × 21.2 inch
  • Application: perfect for bathroom or outdoor kitchen
  • Warranty: 2 years


outdoor kitchen doors, stainless steel, 39x26 inch


Package Content



  • Overall Dimensions(WxH): 39"x26" (99.1×66.0cm)
  • Cutout Dimensions(WxH): 34"x21.2" (86.4×53.8cm)
  • Material: 304 Stainless Steel

Package Content

  • 1 x Stainless Steel Double BBQ Door
  • 3 x Handle
  • 8 x Hooks
  • Installation Tools

Features & Details

  • 【DURABLE CONSTRUCTION】- The BBQ kitchen doors, with overall dimensions of 83.8×55.9cm (33"x22")/87x48cm (34.5"x19")/915x537mm (36"x21.1")/91.4×58.4cm (36"x23")/99.1×66.0cm (39"x26"), made of high quality stainless steel. Easy-cleaning, anti-corrosion and anti-scratch.
  • 【OVERALL REINFORCEMENT】- This access doors are designed with a thicken frame and hinge, which ensures the firmness during operation.
  • 【PRE-DRILLED DESIGN】- Comes with pre-drilled holes on the sides of the cabinet doors for easy installation. With superb space utilization.
  • 【SPECIAL DESIGN】- Comes with magnet blocks for easy closing and enhanced sealing of the doors. The exquisite handles provide a better hand feel and better look of the doors.
  • 【VARIOUS APPLICATION】- Perfect for outdoor kitchens and BBQ island. Widely applied in the outdoor kitchen, such as tableware, into the cabinet, lockers.



Caifornia Warehouse: 18501 Arenth Ave, City of Industry, CA 91748
: 300 W Airtex Blvd, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77090
: 2125 Gateway Blvd, Hebron, KY 41048
New Jersey
: 1000 High Street, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861


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    19 avis pour VEVOR Access Door Firm Waterproof Oil Proof Stainless Steel Double Recessed Handle for Outdoor Kitchen Grill Station Cabinet

    1. Noé (client confirmé)

      Idéal pour les passionnés de cuisine, super utile.

    2. Inès (client confirmé)

      Produit au top, je le recommande sans hésiter.

    3. Gabriel (client confirmé)

      Idéal pour ma cuisine, je ne m’en passe plus !

    4. Ethan (client confirmé)

      Très satisfait de ce produit, il me simplifie la vie.

    5. Léa (client confirmé)

      Très bon produit, je l’utilise au quotidien.

    6. Clara (client confirmé)

      Un excellent produit, j’en suis satisfait à 100%.

    7. Antoine (client confirmé)

      Très fonctionnel, j’en suis vraiment content.

    8. Mathis (client confirmé)

      Très bon produit, je l’utilise tous les jours.

    9. Charlotte (client confirmé)

      Super accessoire, il facilite vraiment la cuisine.

    10. Lucas (client confirmé)

      Un produit de qualité, très content de mon achat.

    11. Antoine (client confirmé)

      Accessoire de cuisine au design moderne et pratique.

    12. Mathilde (client confirmé)

      Super pratique et très élégant, je recommande.

    13. Arthur (client confirmé)

      Très pratique et facile à utiliser.

    14. Gabriel (client confirmé)

      Livraison rapide et produit impeccable.

    15. Charlotte (client confirmé)

      Idéal pour une cuisine bien équipée.

    16. Emma (client confirmé)

      Confort et praticité, j’en suis ravi.

    17. Amélie (client confirmé)

      Excellent produit, super pratique et durable.

    18. Camille (client confirmé)

      Produit fonctionnel et très esthétique.

    19. Amélie (client confirmé)

      Produit de qualité, livraison rapide.

    Seuls les clients connectés ayant acheté ce produit ont la possibilité de laisser un avis.

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    (19 avis client)


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