VEVOR Commercial Cube Ice Maker with Water Drain Pump 40/50/60/70 KG/24H Freestanding Auto Clean Liquid Freezer Home Appliance

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Product Description
commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

Commercial Ice Maker

Commercial ice maker equipped with intelligent LCD control panel with buttons that are clear at a glance. Machine status is real-time monitored and auto-detection function reveals operation problems when machine stops making ice. Remind is also offered when ice is full. Powerful compressor ensures reliable performance and lower energy consumption lower. Ice storage of 33 lb (15 kg). Nano blue light and dry filter to keep the clean and fresh ice to protect family health.

  • Rapid and Efficient Ice Making
  • Intelligent & Automatic Control
  • Completely Equipped with Top Quality
  • Auto Clean & Ice Thickness Adjustment

élévateur magnétique,100kg,jaune
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVOR’s products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR?
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service

Key Features

  • commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

    Powerful Compressor

    As the heart of the refrigeration system, the brand compressor has the function of strong cooling, high cooling effect, low-noise, and energy-saving. Thin ice can be done in 5-8 min, medium ice can be done in 8-11 min, and thick ice can be done in 11-15 min.

  • commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

    Stainless Steel Body

    The outer-casing adopts full heavy-duty 304 stainless steel and ABS engineering plastic, with a sleek finish, elegant, durable, and easy to clean. The thickened foam layer is effectively isolating external heat and providing better insulation.

  • commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

    Large Ice Yield & Storage

    The multi-grid ice tray of 32 PCs (4*8)/36 PCs (4*9)/40 PCs (5*8)/45 PCs (5*9) can produce 90/110/132/150 lbs of ice every 24 hours. The standard and exquisite crystal clear ice cubes are of 0.9"x0.9"x0.9" (22x22x22 mm) in dimensions. The ice storage capacity can reach up to 33 lbs.

  • commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

    Practical Filter & Pump

    With a powerful water filter, our ice cube maker can be directly connected to the faucet to convert tap water into drinkable pure water. And the drainage pump can effectively discharge the water of melted ice to prevent it from affecting the production of other ice cubes.

  • commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

    Intelligent Touch Screen

    The multi-functional LCD control panel with an easy-to-use touch screen allows various functions, including automatic cleaning, an appointment for ice making, temperature display, ice making time display, deicing test, and fault alerts.

  • commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

    Well-Designed Details

    With the dazzling blue light, ice cubes are more convenient to observe. The air vents are compactly distributed, which ensures security while effectively dissipating heat. And the 2-inch height nonslip footpads are contributed to strong stability.

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,110 lbs per day

40KG/24H Commercial Ice Maker

  • Power: 110V, 60 Hz, 230W
  • 24H Production: About 90 lb (40 kg)
  • Ice Storage: About 33 lb (15 kg)
  • Reservation Function: 5-7 hours
  • Material: Stainless Steel+ABS
  • Ice Tray: 32 pcs (4*8)
  • Ice Cube Size: 0.9" x 0.9" x 0.9" (22 x 22 x 22 mm)
  • Item Weight: 59 lbs (27 kg)
  • Item Dimension (L x W x H): 18.9" x 15.0" x 33.1" (48 x 38 x 84 cm)

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,110 lbs per day

Package Content

  • 1 x Ice Cube Maker 90 lb/24h
  • 2 x Ice Scoops
  • 1 x Dewatering Pump
  • 1 x Water Filter
  • 1 x Water Inlet
  • 1 x Water Outlet
  • 1 x Instruction Manual

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,110 lbs per day

50KG/24H Commercial Ice Maker

  • Power: 110V(US)/220V(EU), 60/50 Hz, 250W
  • 24H Production: About 110 lb (50 kg)
  • Ice Storage: About 33 lb (15 kg)
  • Reservation Function: 5-7 hours
  • Material: Stainless Steel+ABS
  • Ice Tray: 36 pcs (4*9)
  • Ice Cube Size: 0.9" x 0.9" x 0.9" (22 x 22 x 22 mm)
  • Item Weight: 59 lbs (27 kg)
  • Item Dimension (L x W x H): 18.9" x 15.0" x 33.1" (48 x 38 x 84 cm)

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,110 lbs per day

Package Content

  • 1 x Ice Cube Maker 110 lb/24h
  • 2 x Ice Scoops
  • 1 x Dewatering Pump
  • 1 x Water Filter
  • 1 x Water Inlet
  • 1 x Water Outlet
  • 1 x Instruction Manual

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

60KG/24H Commercial Ice Maker

  • Power: 110V(US)/220V(EU), 60/50 Hz, 310W
  • 24H Production:About 132 lb (60 kg)
  • Ice Storage: About 33 lb (15 kg)
  • Reservation Function: 5-7 hours
  • Material: Stainless Steel+ABS
  • Ice Tray: 40 pcs (5*8)
  • Ice Cube Size: 0.9" x 0.9" x 0.9" (22 x 22 x 22 mm)
  • Item Weight: 59 lbs (27 kg)
  • Item Dimension (L x W x H): 18.9" x 15.0" x 33.1" (48 x 38 x 84 cm)

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

Package Content

  • 1 x Ice Cube Maker 132 lb/24h
  • 2 x Ice Scoops
  • 1 x Dewatering Pump
  • 1 x Water Filter
  • 1 x Water Inlet
  • 1 x Water Outlet
  • 1 x Instruction Manual

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

70KG/24H Commercial Ice Maker

  • Power: 110V(US)/220V(EU), 60/50 Hz, 335W
  • 24H Production: About 150 lb (70 kg)
  • Ice Storage: About 33 lb (15 kg)
  • Reservation Function: 5-7 hours
  • Material: Stainless Steel+ABS
  • Ice Tray: 45 pcs (5*9)
  • Ice Cube Size: 0.9" x 0.9" x 0.9" (22 x 22 x 22 mm)
  • Item Weight: 59 lbs (27 kg)
  • Item Dimension (L x W x H): 18.9" x 15.0" x 33.1" (48 x 38 x 84 cm)

commercial ice maker,stainless steel,150 lbs per day

Package Content

  • 1 x Ice Cube Maker 150 lb/24h
  • 2 x Ice Scoops
  • 1 x Dewatering Pump
  • 1 x Water Filter
  • 1 x Water Inlet
  • 1 x Water Outlet
  • 1 x Instruction Manual

Features & Details

  • 【MORE EFFICIENT】- VEVOR ice maker provides you: ① [Faster] Brand and powerful compressor for rapid ice making, one cycle in just 8-15 minutes, and up to 90/110/132/150lbs of ice in 24 hours. ② [Harder] Equipped with premium water filter, more crystal clear and harder Ice cubes crank out at the standard size of 0.9 »*0.9 »*0.9 », cloudless and chew-able. ③[Better]The six-sided cyclopentane foam layer effectively isolates external heat and provides better insulation, preventing ice cube from melting.
  • 【PREMIUM QUALITY】- Different from other ice makers, ① VEVOR’s ice maker built with fully heavy-duty brushed stainless steel not only gives it a luxurious appearance, but also dramatically contributes to its durability, sturdiness, and longevity. ② The interior is composed of a food-grade PP injection liner with a thickness of 2.5mm, which has a strong impact-resistance and good sturdiness. ③The high-end water pump is conducive to smooth water pumping, ensuring the machine’s stable operation.
  • 【MORE CONVENIENT】- Overall size of the ice maker is 18.9 x 15.0 x 33.1 inches, and 33 lbs of ice storage capacity. ① Professional electric drainage pump can effectively discharge the water of melted ice—Built-In, freestanding or under-counter. Just make sure always to have a water outlet near your machine. ② Built-in blue light strips, ice cubes are more convenient to observe. ③ Ice scoops, water supply hose, water supply connector, and water draining hose, all you need is thoughtfully provided.
  • 【AUTO CLEAN & ICE THICKNESS ADJUSTMENT】- Automatic LCD panel clearly shows various functions. ① Auto Clean: one-button cleaning function cleans all pipes and trays, ensure that the ice cubes are clean and free of odor. ② Reservation & Ice Thickness Adjustment: If you need ice cubes one by one, just adjust the thickness of the ice. Thin ice: 5-8 mins, Medium ice: 8-11 mins, Thick ice: 11-15 mins. ③ Ice making process and monitors malfunctions, fully automatic, simple and efficient operation.
  • 【WIDELY APPLICABLE】- Works great for applications including coffee shops, hotels, bars, KTVs, supermarkets, bakeries, restaurants, cold drink shops, laboratories, schools, hospitals and more. A space saver with adequate storage and powerful performance.

































































































commercial ice maker, stainless steel, 68kg/24h commercial ice maker, stainless steel, 68kg/24h commercial ice maker, stainless steel, 68kg/24h commercial ice maker, stainless steel, 68kg/24h commercial ice maker, stainless steel, 68kg/24h
110LBS Commercial Ice Machine 110LBS Commercial Ice Machine 132LBS Commercial Ice Machine 132LBS Commercial Ice Machine 150LBS Commercial Ice Machine 150LBS Commercial Ice Machine 70LBS Countertop Ice Maker 70LBS Countertop Ice Maker 150LBS Commercial Ice Maker 150LBS Commercial Ice Maker
Rated Power Rated Power 256W 256W 275W 275W 410W 410W 350W 350W 335W 335W
24H Ice Yield 24H Ice Yield 110 lbs (50 kg) 110 lbs (50 kg) 132 lbs (60 kg) 132 lbs (60 kg) 150 lbs (68 kg) 150 lbs (68 kg) 70 lbs (31.75 kg) 70 lbs (31.75 kg) 150 lbs (about 70 kg) 150 lbs (about 70 kg)
Ice Storage Capacity Ice Storage Capacity 22 lbs (11 kg) 22 lbs (11 kg) 22 lbs (11 kg) 22 lbs (11 kg) 22 lbs (11 kg) 22 lbs (11 kg) 11 lbs (5 kg) 11 lbs (5 kg) 33 lbs (15 kg) 33 lbs (15 kg)
Ice Tray Size Ice Tray Size 32PCs (4×8) 32PCs (4×8) 40PCs (5×8) 40PCs (5×8) 45PCs (5×9) 45PCs (5×9) 36PCs (4×9) 36PCs (4×9) 45PCs (5×9) 45PCs (5×9)
Ice Cube Size Ice Cube Size 0.9″x0.9″x0.9″ (22x22x22mm) 0.9"x0.9"x0.9" (22x22x22mm) 0.9″x0.9″x0.9″ (22x22x22mm) 0.9"x0.9"x0.9" (22x22x22mm) 0.9″x0.9″x0.9″ (22x22x22mm) 0.9"x0.9"x0.9" (22x22x22mm) 0.9″x0.9″x0.9″ (22x22x22mm) 0.9"x0.9"x0.9" (22x22x22mm) 0.9″x0.9″x0.9″ (22x22x22mm) 0.9"x0.9"x0.9" (22x22x22mm)
Product Dimensions Product Dimensions 14.2″x16.9″x29.9″ (360x430x760 mm) 14.2"x16.9"x29.9" (360x430x760 mm) 14.2″x16.9″x29.9″ (360x430x760 mm) 14.2"x16.9"x29.9" (360x430x760 mm) 14.2″x16.9″x29.9″ (360x430x760 mm) 14.2"x16.9"x29.9" (360x430x760 mm) 13.7″x13.4″x26.2″ (348x340x666 mm) 13.7"x13.4"x26.2" (348x340x666 mm) 18.9″x15.0″x33.1″ (48x38x84 cm) 18.9"x15.0"x33.1" (48x38x84 cm)
Product Weight Product Weight 52.9 lbs (24 kg) 52.9 lbs (24 kg) 55.1 lbs (25 kg) 55.1 lbs (25 kg) 57.3 lbs (26 kg) 57.3 lbs (26 kg) 37 lbs (16.8 kg) 37 lbs (16.8 kg) 59 lbs (27 kg) 59 lbs (27 kg)

19 avis pour VEVOR Commercial Cube Ice Maker with Water Drain Pump 40/50/60/70 KG/24H Freestanding Auto Clean Liquid Freezer Home Appliance

  1. Amélie (client confirmé)

    Un vrai coup de cœur pour ce produit.

  2. Jules (client confirmé)

    Produit excellent, très content de mon achat.

  3. Élise (client confirmé)

    Idéal pour une cuisine bien équipée.

  4. Anaïs (client confirmé)

    Très pratique et facile à nettoyer, j’adore.

  5. Anaïs (client confirmé)

    Très satisfait de cet achat, je le recommande.

  6. Adam (client confirmé)

    Excellent rapport qualité/prix, je suis ravi.

  7. Sarah (client confirmé)

    Article très utile, je le recommande vivement.

  8. Charlotte (client confirmé)

    Vraiment un bon investissement pour ma cuisine.

  9. Léa (client confirmé)

    Un incontournable de ma cuisine, pratique et beau.

  10. Élise (client confirmé)

    Pratique et design moderne, j’adore !

  11. Léna (client confirmé)

    Excellent rapport qualité/prix, je suis ravi.

  12. Alice (client confirmé)

    Très bonne qualité et pratique à utiliser.

  13. Adam (client confirmé)

    Un produit au top, je le conseille.

  14. Victor (client confirmé)

    Très bon produit, bien conçu et très utile.

  15. Marie (client confirmé)

    Un produit qui vaut vraiment son prix.

  16. Adam (client confirmé)

    Vraiment un bon investissement pour ma cuisine.

  17. Paul (client confirmé)

    Très pratique, je l’utilise tous les jours.

  18. Ethan (client confirmé)

    Article top qualité, rien à dire de plus.

  19. Léo (client confirmé)

    Vraiment un bon investissement pour ma cuisine.

Seuls les clients connectés ayant acheté ce produit ont la possibilité de laisser un avis.

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Je suis ravi de mon achat d'une cocotte en fonte sur ce site. Non seulement elle est magnifique, mais elle retient également parfaitement la chaleur, ce qui permet des plats mijotés savoureux. La qualité de cet article est exceptionnelle et je recommande fortement cette boutique en ligne à tous les amateurs de cuisine !